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21 9:47:24

Hello, I am a current member of FFA and next year will be my last chance to show at 4-H level shows. I have a five year old Palomino Gelding that I would like to compete in Showmanship. He will never be AQHA Circuit material, but I would like to present him to the judge in the best manner possible. So far, I have been teaching him how to square up, pivot, walk/trot, and to wait patiently and he is a quick learner. My question is, how should I condition him physically? I ride at least four times a week, but he is an easy keeper and tends to get a "hay-belly" even
though he's on a regular worming schedule. I would like to have him as slim and fit as possible, how should I go about doing this?

Dear Emily:
Thank you for your question. It is refreshing to hear from a horse owner who recognizes that her horse may have limitations but who wants show her horse to its best potential. Four days a week seems like plenty for a five year old. Do understand that some horses simply are built with a sprung barrel conformation- making them look pot-bellied despite exercise, appropriate worming and nutrition. This aside- make sure that any change in your riding routine is done carefully and gradually. Long tracks of forward jog (think trot) are more aerobically challenging than a show jog. Make sure you work both sides equally to foster balanced muscle development. Feed good quality grass hay like timothy which means you don't have to feed as much of it. I like to use rice bran (about a half cup a day). Limit grass turn out but compensate with excercise so you don't end up with boredom vices. Work in some two track work like leg yield and shoulder in (again- work both sides).
I hope this helps, best wishes.
S. Evans