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Training expectations

21 10:03:57

My daughter wants to bring her 7 year old QH to a trainer who has a good reputation. Her QH is wellmannered and has good solid basics on him. He needs finishing for all around pleasure classes with alot of work on his lope. This trainer tells us that we have to commit to  90 days of training. I am not convinced this horse needs a full 90 days, if he does then I will be more than happy to pay for it but my question is how do I respond to this trainer and what should I expect?
Also can you give me some advice on this years show clothing trends as its time to buy a new outfit for my 17 yo daughter.

Hi Linda...

Your trainer must be a good one....  the 90 days of training is made up of several parts...  ask your trainer some additional questions to see if you get the same type answer as I'm giving you.

REGARDLESS of how often your daughter rides her 7 yr old QH ...  what the trainer will do with the horse will require the horse to use DIFFERENT muscles (specifically those up over the loin) to get the lope where it needs to be....  we're not even discussing where the horse is at this point because I don't know -- you didn't give me a clue...
it takes 30 days to at least get the horse in shape to do the additional training.  It has to be slow to keep the horse from getting sore muscles etc... which will cause resentment and "tail banging" and build up to be able to handle the lope properly (collected and slow)  The following months will be a lot of training on a horse that hasn't HAD to lope in that manner for a lot of years of his life .... consider he's 7 YEARS OLD.... not too old to train - buttttttttttt  in HIS mind ---(I'm assuming gelding) he'll think --- WHY NOW.... WHY THIS WAY... when my OLD way was ok for so will be confusing to the horse - and if he's not solid before he goes home -- he'll regress.... your daughter will need the help WITH the horse during the training and afterwards to follow the program

So yes the 90 day period is an investment ---- but tell trainer you want honesty -- if this horse cannot change his style --- (some horses can't lope to be competitive) they can lope but not the way they need to - to be a winner... that he/she will tell you they're at an impasse and YOU can make a decision to pull the horse from training prior to the end of 90 days...

This is the best question I have ever had on this list...  You have a lot of savvy ---- Please feel free to call me directly at 940-873-4555 for additional details on this question.

Clothing trends -- do you sew?   We do and do a lot of our own stuff --- sergeants western wear is a good indicator of what trends are going to be coming in the new year and what looks good on your daughter as well as complimenting the horses color....   I highly recommend them...  we have bought "clearance" items from their stores in the past <grin> as we're budget conscious too...

Give us a call to chat some more on your daughter and the training process -- can give you more ideas on what you should expect a lot easier via phone than by writing them down as I'd ask you what the horse is doing etc... need YOUR feedback --- MAKE SENSE?

Happy New Year and I'll expect your call <smile>
Dee Hertig
Olney, TX