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Good morning Brenda,My name...

21 10:08:12

Good morning Brenda,
My name is Cornelio Boekhoudt and I am from Aruba.
Please I need your help.
I have a 4 year stallion that whenever I go on him for a ride stands up on his two legs which is very dangerous.
A few weeks ago he stood up on his legs and fell on me, I nearly broke my left knee.
What can/should I do to stop him from doing that?
Thank you very much for your help and have a nice day.

I have heard of some people filling ballons with water and throwing it on the horse's head when he rears to simulate that he has hit his head on something and is bleeding.  I have never tried it and I don't know if it works.

Stallions are difficult to manage and some just aren't meant to be ridden.  If you don't need him for breeding purposes then gelding him may be an option to settle him down.

When he rears that throws your body back and pulls him even further back.  To correct that you need to try to lean forward and use your weight to force him down.  Having a more experienced rider try to work with him may be your best option.

Good luck.