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wont take bit scared of bridle

21 10:03:11

I have a 4year old arabian mare that we are keeping for a 30 day trial to make sure she is what i want and she is fine except for she won't let me put a bridle on her she seems to be scared of the bit when we did get it on her once and she reared up and fell back can u give me any suggestions because we even went and got a gentler bit and she is still scared. the lady we got her from claims she had the bit in her mouth last summer but i'm wondering if that is a lie. i am 16 years old and a beginning horse rider. she is a sweetheart so i don't want to give up on her and she can be ridden she just can't be steered good because a lead rope doesn't work too good.

Hi Kacey,
I don't want to be telling you what to do but Arabian's are quite high strung especially for a beginner rider, but that's why you got her for a trial period, which was very smart to do!  Anyways, the lady may not be lieing about her having a bit in before because a horse that hasn't had one in before wouldn't act that crazy.  Chances are your horse had a bad experience with one, maybe they yanked on her mouth or it clanked on her teeth, so now she's scared of it.
Also, some horses need to have their teeth floated and if they arn't than the bit really hurts their teeth.  Floated is basically having them filed down because they are really sharp.  Your horse may have this problem, the vet can always check it out.  Just ask the vet to check them if she comes out anytime soon.  Or ask the lady who owns the horse if she has ever had her teeth floated before.

If nothing that I have mentioned is a problem than basically she is just scared of the bit and you just have to take it easy and slow with the horse.  Make sure that you have an english snaffle bit, there is no reason to have one any more severe than this.   Just start by taking the bit and bridle and rubbing it all over her body and face, show her that there is no reason to be scared of it.  When she is completely calm with this than just rub the bit all over her lips and even put it in her mouth a little bit but not all the way. Than remove it and keep doing this over and over until she dosn't mind.  Take your time and only go farther into her mouth when she is fine with a little bit.
The key is patience, slow and right beats fast and wrong.  Before ever taking another step make sure the horse is fine with the first rubbing it on her body...than mover to her face...than her muzzle...than her lips...than into her mouth briefly and not nearly all the way...than a bit farther...and get the picture.
Going to fast will scare her.  If you have anymore questions feel free to ask, and have a good time with your horse!

Keep it Natural,
Echo Savage