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Mare weight loss

21 9:53:52

Samantha, could you please help me on my mare? She is 9 years old and has had 3 foals since I had her. She had her last filly in May 2006 and ever since then she keeps losing more and more weight. I have wormed her, feed her 7 lb. of alfalfa 12 nugget pellets a day, have coastal round bale out for her, and mineral blocks out but, she is not putting any thing on. I weaned the filly at 6 1/2 months and still nothing. Can you please let me know something I can do for her.I would like to start riding her again but, not in this condition. Thank you so much.

  I would find a higher fat feed with less protien.  Alfalfa is good to an extent, but it is super high is protien, and very sweet, so it doens't do much for weight gain.  I would put her on a High Fat, High Fiber, lower protien feed, with orchard grass hay, and feed her 3 smaller meals per day (if possible).  Also you might want to try giving her some supplements, like Weight Builder is excellent.  I have to check, but I know of a supplement that just came out that is 99% dry fat, and it is great for weight gain and stuff.  I work with rescue horses, and we give it to our severly emeciated ones.  
I would also contact your vet, there maybe somethng else going on, or the vet might be able to help with other supplements, and things that are indigenous to your area.  
I hope this helps, please let me know if I can answer any other questions or concerns.
