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How do break Wild Mustang in a Halter ??

21 10:08:04


My qusetion is how do you break a wild mustang in to a Halter? I have adopte a wild Mustang from a rescue center for a Wild Mustang from Daytona, Nevada. I have been with my cousin horse who is a wild mustang about 3 years of age. I go to the corral everyday to work with her so she can get to know me with carrots I give for treats. I have done step by step around the corral she dose fine every 4 hour all day each day. So please tell me how to Halter break a wild horse.  


Thanks for your question and I hope I can be of some help. I can't say that I have ever had to halter break a mustang but I would think it would be like halter breaking a foal except maybe a bit harder. But you are doing the right thing. There's not a lot you can do to prepare the horse other than have it's full trust. This is not something you should rush into because if you do it sets a basic idea for anything else you want to teach it. Before you even think about putting a halter on the horse you should be able to run your hands all over it without a problem especially around it's head. A relaxing way to get close and get them to trust you the the T-touch. You use the palms of you fingers and slowly create circles on them. This works well especially around their neck. They should be comfortable around you and not have anything to worry about and you bringing treats is always a good thing. They learn to assoicate something good with you. Once you can do that don't rush into anything. I would suggest that you leave a halter and lead rope hanging off a fence post for a couple days. Just so they see and know it doesn't hurt them. Once you do that. I would take the lead rope and wrap it loosly around their neck. Then lead them around with that. Get them used to that and you leading them (not the other way around). Also this way if they get scared then it can come off so they don't hurt themself or you. After this introduce the halter to them. Bring it up to their face slowly and let them explore it. If you get a bad reaction with it then don't try and put it on just leave it on the post and bring it with you every time you go and see them even if it's just hanging off your shoulder. Once they are okay with it lower it and let them lower their head. Quietly, slowly and carefully slip it over their nose. If they don't like it try not to move it, just stop. Then slowly keep going. Once you reach their ears BE GENTLE. A lot of horses become ear shy or even head shy because of the way their ears get beaten around. Once it's on don't do up the chin strap. To me, it's a safety feature when they first get started. That way if they pull it'll come off and it won't hurt. So just keep all your movements slow and steady and quiet. Talk to the horse throughout the whole time. Your voice is usally comfoting to a horse as long as it's quiet and easy going. So once you get the halter on I wouldn't try too much that time. Just give them a treat and take it off. Maybe go back later and do the same thing. Then when there's no problem slowly move them forward with a little tug. Make sure they are where you want them to stand and to teach them manners. A good way is to use voice commands. Like to get them to stop use ho! Nice and firm but not mean or angry. You should use them WHENEVER you want them to stop even when you get to riding them. So overall take is slow and in gradual steps and never rush into anything. Sorry it was so long but I hope that was helpful.

~*~ Meg ~*~