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horse problem

21 9:42:10

Hey Amanda
I have a 20yr old Arab x called Jimmy. We have noticed over the years that he has been getting itchy sides. Not on his back and not on his tummy but on both of his sides. I have started noticing that it is getting worse. I know that he's been itchy because he always has saliva and wet hair where he has been biting. sometimes his whole sides are covered with wet patches! He is malting and has a thick coat,but i just want to make sure. I have no idea! Its not lice or anything like that and i cant find any little bugs or fleas.

hi georgie,
the best thing i can suggest is he has a fungus on his coat. get a shampoo that is anti fingle and wash him with it once a day for three days and then see how he is doing. if he still continues then you should have a vet check him for worms, and colic. good luck
amanda groff