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malnourished horse

21 9:19:25

Two days ago I took a 3 month old filly from someone who couldn't take care of her.  She was bitten by a rattlesnake and lost weight to a dangerous level.  Her snakebite is healing but she in poor condition.  My horses tried to kill her so she is in my backyard for now.  She has unlimited access to coastal hay, green grass (my husbands sports turf) and I have started her on some 14% feed.  What else can I do to help her safely gain the weight she needs?

Hello Kacey,

First of all, congratulations on your new addition.  You have undertaken a big job, but a worthwhile one.

Second, I hope you have had her seen by a vet. She needs to have blood work done to see if all her numbers are good and if she got enough of the stuff from her dam that she was supposed to. It is very early for weaning, and you did not say if she has a dam with her or not.  She may need supplemental milk.

Other than good nourishment, she will need lots of attention like grooming, handling and love and TLC.  If she has a dog to play with that would be nice.

Again, get that vet check and see what he says.  He is your best source of advice for this sort of issue.

Happy mothering,