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cinch sizing

21 9:53:22

This one should be pretty easy for you. I was wondering how you determine the size of the cinch you need for your horse. I've been riding for a while and its not something I ever really paid much attention to. When the cinch is centered on the horse the sides should come up to about the shoulder, right?

Hi Vanessa
Not necessarily. A great way to measure your horse for a cinch is to place your saddle on the horse while he's standing on level ground. Tie a piece of string or baling twine to one rigging ring, loop it under the horse's girth, and bring it up to the other ring. Measure that length and subtract 16 inches (round up to the nearest cinch size) and you'll have a good estimate of his cinch size. I have tried this on many horses and it works great. Good luck!  :)
