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horse misbehavior

21 10:07:55

just bought 6 year Arabian to be used on trail, gelded at 4, was in box stall, was tried as show horse & trail, friendly, wants to please, now in 1/2 acre paddock with run-through barn, companion 25 year mare quarter horse, feed: grain and 24 hour hay.
Outings: (always with mare who knows route) public park areas, hilly woods, grass berm beside road with high traffic. First time out- perfect ride at walk and trot, Australian saddle, fleese pad.
Subsequent 6 outings (same route)using English or same Australian saddle, new pad-heavy woven cotton, throws head, side steps, slides, won't stay at walk or trot, threw same rider (very experienced)twice, fell on trail, and once, when tied for tacking, reared and fell on gravel, spooks at white objects, seem excessively bothered by flies (we use fly wipe before saddling, saddle moves 2 inches back from front legs during ride,
Since the first ride was a perfect ride, do you think the horse was drugged before purchase?  

Hi Lindy,

It is possible that he was drugged before the purchase.

It's also possible, and it happens frequently, that when moved to new surroundings horses are at first quiet and well-behaved.  It's like they are in a state of shock.  The stress of the move, new people, new food, new environment, new horse pals etc....  Then somewhere between 2-4 weeks they begin to settle and their true personality starts to come through and that's when many people start to experience problems.....often times the same problems that the previous owners had and didn't share.

A few things to consider:

Arabians are generally more sensitive.  Which means they notice things in their environments, even the smallest changes, they are more sensitive to touch, sound, smell etc... and can over react.  Out on the trail this horse may be experiencing sensory overload.

This horse may be more comfortable and feel safer when in a stall, rather than when out.  (And you did say he was 'tried' as a show/trail horse.  I just had an Arab/Saddlebred mare here for training that was just this way.  The only place she felt safe and comfortable was in her stall.  Outside she was a nervous wreck, noticed every little thing and was just plain difficult to deal with.  Preferred to rear than to move forward etc.....

The saddle moving during the ride is not a good thing.  It's possible that the saddle is being placed too far forward and thus is sliding back into the correct place.  Or, the saddle simply doesn't fit.  A saddle that fits should be able to be placed on the back of a horse without a girth or breastplate and the horse walked around and the saddle should not move.

It's also possible that this horse has some physical issues and is experiencing pain when ridden.

I hope you're able to figure out this problem.

Best wishes!


Lana Reinhardt