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horse miscarriages

21 9:47:31

hi, i was wanting to know what can cause a horse to have a miscarriage? i have had two out of four horses miscarriage this year. From what i am told this would have been thier first..could that explain why? Also what can i do to try to prevent the other two to not miscarriage? thanks

Dear Erika,
         Stress plays a huge factor in misscariages, and so does horse STD's. Maiden mares are at the same risk as a long time broodmare, it depends on the amount of care and even the stud's semen has a great effect on the foal to be. It depends on what stage the misscarriage has happened, In the first few weeks it is because she did not "take" or she is stressed.
               Health problems can have a huge effect as well, so make sure she is healthy before breeding, that she is not stressed out before and after breeding and during pregnancy.