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Brain blank

21 9:45:08

This is not my horse and obviously this horse should be seen by a vet, but I'm just as sure the owner wont do that so I thought I'd at least try to find out what might be going on..I'm guess some type of brain tumor/trauma or something like that any ideas? And thanks for your help.  Here is what the woman has said so far about this horse.

He's a 6 yr old straight Egyptian.
The issues right now and neither my trainer nor I have ever seen or had to deal with this type of thing.
He just shuts down. It's almost like he leaves because when he 'comes back' he's genuinely confused at why you're so upset. He was 'gone' a few days ago for almost an hour and can actually be pretty violent with some of these 'episodes'.

it has been witnessed only three times in the last 4 weeks; twice in hand-one violent (striking, teeth baring lunge) and one not (just stood with his head as high as it would go and I was waving my hands in his eyes and yelling his name-nothing), once under saddle at a canter-had to aim him at a tree/fence and just knew he was going to gather at the last minute and go over it. He's only done it once under saddle and at a canter no less. He's boarded/in "finishing school" right now so he's separated; actually none of her horses are ever together but they are close to each other. It happened twice working in hand and once when not working.

We're careful...just moments before it happens his head goes up high and his whites show a bit, so at least there's a bit of warning if you're looking for it.  What has brought out of it the quickest is an extreme change in voice tone; from 'normal' to the really high pitched baby talk tone. It's literally like a switch

I've had him a little over a year and have notice him 'being weird' but nothing as pronounced and obvious as the last three 'episodes'.  


You sort of hit the nail on the head with your first sentences, he needs to be evaluated by a vet.  These do sound like seizures of some sort.  As to what could be causing this, there are simply too many variables here for me to even hazard a guess.  If the owner is unwilling to expend any money on him for vet bills that doesn't say much about her as an owner.  If you are using the horse then it would be in your best interest to invest in a vet call as much for your safety and well-being as his.  Situations like this always make me feel sad for the horse and annoyed with the owner.  I've had to resign myself over the years that there are many things I cannot do anything about.  This may well be one of them but if I was you nd if you are not willing to pay for a vet call I would stop using the horse before you get hurt or worse.
