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New horse

21 9:49:53

Hi there I am about to loan with view to buy a 16 3 Irish draught. she is 11 yrs, she was doing really well in the eventing  and jumping scene but due to a back problem has retired. I am just a happy hacker and already have 2 horses. I have ridden kizzy twice she is lovely to ride but really wants to go... she is trotting on the spot and I feel if I give her the rein we will be off at break neck speed. She has not been really exercised for about a year, back problems resolved also.I know she will settle down and needs to be exercised regularly and get to know me , now for the question. Basically I want to put her into canter but am scared stiff she will just go for it and i wont be able to stop her. have tried lunge but she goes loopy. Its a confidence thing for me I'm sure. She has a good reputation and is not known for vices but I need to feel safe. thanx Jo

If you horse goes crazy at the end of a line, I can understand your fear of trying tp ut her into a canter while you are on her.

I would trust your gut!

If you are already working on getting her back into shape with regular exercise, then you are already on the right track.

Get her into a normal working routine with the line or with round pen work first. (Remember, horses need to be horses once and a while - so don't feel bad letting her have a day off and just turning her out to "play"). When she is working well for you doing that, I have a feeling your confidence level will take a big jump to the next step!

I wish you the best of luck, and really, you have a good instinct about you, I turst you will do GREAT!