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shedding winter coat

21 10:03:22

I have one horse out of five that is not shedding his winter coat as fast as the other four. He is a six year old gelding quarter horse. We have had him since last oct. Don't know his worming history but know he was well taken care of. We have wormed him on our schedual. It seems I've read once there is reasons for this but dont recall the artical well enough. We' had a cold and warm spring. We live in Northern Michigan so the temp. can vary alot. Thank you very much for any help you can give. His coat seems dull also.


Thanks for your question and I hope I can be of some help. Personally, I wouldn't worry about this too much. As far as I know, the rate at which horses shed doesn't usually have any medical-related side effects. Although, my knowlegde of equine medicine is limited so if it really concerns you, you should talk to your vet. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Quarter horses are known to be sturdy breeds so often they keep their coat longer. As well, it depends on where you got him from. If he was from a colder climate then it could just be habit to keep the coat longer. Another option would be because of your cold and warm springs (trust me I live only a few hours north so I totally know what you mean) they could just be keeping it a bit longer rather than shedding and having to be cold. If he doesn't lose it when the weather gets warmer and stays warmer you should talk to your vet. If he shows any other sigs of illness, also talk to your vet. But personally I wouldn't worry an incredible amount right now. Just keep an eye on him. I hope that helps :)

* meg *