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Warts on fillys nose

21 9:20:25

We foster two horses and the younger of the two had a couple of warts on her muzzle (?) when they arrived in May.  Now she has probably 25 or 30.  They don't look like they bother her, but we are a little concerned about the spread.  I have read that they are equine papilloma virus, are self-limiting, and can be treated with either toothpaste or white vinegar.  We would just like her face to be kissable again.  Can you suggest any intervention?  Consulting a vet is out of the question if there is an alternative medicine approach to this problem, as the horse would not get into a trailer even if we had one, and we'd rather avoid a house call fee if possible. Thank you so much for your consideration.

Hi Christine - You are so sweet to foster these horses!  I wish I had a sure fire cure for you but I'm afraid that the only real cure for this baby is time.  But the good news is that it's free :)  You've done your homework so I don't need to tell you about the reasons why these young ones are so susceptible to this virus. Just remember that good horse management will be the best thing you can do until this filly's immune system strengthens enough to beat the virus ...good diet, good vaccination routine and regular worming. It typically takes 6 to 9 months for the papilloma virus to run it's course so you're in the home stretch.  Your filly's muzzle should be kissable again by Spring.