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bareback riding

21 10:07:40

How do you learn to stay on while riding bareback at a canter or a lope? I can do pretty well at a trot, but not at the faster speeds. Thanks,

Hi Kendra,

Thats good you can stay on at the trot most people have more trouble with that gait. A good exercise to do to get better at bareback is to get someone to put you on a lounge line, at the trot because is harder to stay on when not hanging onto anything and going in a circle (try not to hang on to the mane), then when you get better you can go at faster speeds, also try doing a faster trot that is usually bouncier.  I find that you have to try and go with the flow og the horse when troting and cantering.  By this I mean try not to grip tight with your legs because if you do you will bounce more.  Try to sit squarly on the horse and let your legs and upper body just relax and let yourself go back and forth with the horse!

Good Luck, bareback is excellent for balance and if you can ride bareback you'll find a saddle very easy!

Echo Savage