Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > i cant touch them

i cant touch them

21 10:02:32

i have 2 QH a colt and a filly they are yearlings and they will get close but run off if i try 2 touch them. any help will be great                                                                                                                                                                              Eric  

I'm assuming you feed them in a pasture or lot...

Since the "bonding" you could've done at an earlier age is over - I'll try to help you.  Hope you're patient..

When you feed them -- sit down near the feed trough and stay still --- stay there until they eat and finish their grain...

Do this for a few days then start increasing or encroaching on their space.... don't attempt to touch them or move during this process... just sit and let them find out you are not a predator.

Then you will have to eventually get them into a smaller area and separated..... Once they settle from that --- you'll have to get a halter and drag rope on them (preferable be stalled at this point) --- let them step on the drag rope in their daily living and they will get used to being haltered and responding to the pressure without your involvement...

PS your yearling colt can breed that filly later on .... if he hasn't been gelded... not a good idea...

Good luck