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21 10:03:55

For a warmblooded horse of 18.3hh(Oldenburg/Belgian cross) is 2,175 lbs or 3,175 lbs a more ideal weight?

Hello E. Darcy and thanks for visiting's horses Q&A! It is a little difficult to suggest an ideal weight without actually seeing the horse either in person or in photos as the only info I have given is breed and height. It could be "assumed" that this horse has substantial bone having both warmblood breeding as well as draft horse breeding, which means this animal would then carry more weight due to a-more bone mass and b-a larger body structure in order to carry a larger amount of muscle mass given the proper nutrition and conditioning. I would lean more towards the 2,175 number, however, that is only a ballpark guess since I haven't seen this horse. What you might consider in terms of evaluating the horses' proper weight, as opposed to just a # in pounds, is gauging the horse's body condition score on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being emaciated and near death and 5 being morbidly obese. If you do not have access to one of these charts, I would be more than happy to provide you with one. This chart will show you the areas of the horses body to evaluate to determine where they rank in their weight/body condition.
I'm sorry I couldn't directly answer your question but I do hope I have given you some good information. Please don't hesitate to be back in touch if you would like further clarification or would like a body condition chart. Thanks again for visiting and best of wishes! Regards-Samantha Simons,