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Automatic Feeders

21 10:03:55

    Thank you for the helpful reply! I have had a neighbor feed my horses for about a year now and I am not planning to change my job or job schedule in the future. Thats why I'm considering automatic feeders. I am aware that horses will binge eat if allowed and have seen feeders that are set on timers and disperse a set amount of food at the time you set. I'm just curious about their accuracy rate and if they really work all that great.
   I was hoping to get another person's opinion other than emailing the manufacter, so thats why I emailed you, bieng that you specialize in equine nutrition. I do offer hay at their free will. I have placed a whole roll of hay in each of my horses' padocks so they can eat between meals.
  My horses' do not get regular exercise though, since I work between cities and stay in motels sometimes up to a week. I do my best to work with it and I really don't want to sell them becuase I love them dearly! I am trying to find a way to work around this problem. Are automatic feeders for me? Are automatic feeders worth spending money for? How trustworthy are they?

Hello again Sarah! Glad to hear back from you with even more information. What a hectic schedule you must have! I can sympathize, I used to work in sales and consulting and living on the road was my lifestyle! I understand your desire to keep your four hooved friends...they're nice pals to help you keep a little sanity in this crazy world, eh? I think in your situation, a timed automatic feeder would be the only way I'd go. Its probably going to be worth the money in the long run for you, but definately keep a check on its workability often since this will be an often used item that needs to continue in good shape if your horses are a-to get fed when needed and b-to not have access to all the food inside. Another thing I strongly suggest is to keep it cleaned out often. Once a week or so I'd do a light cleaning to make sure you've gotten out any pellets or pieces of grains that've hung on or gotten stuck inside. If not, you subject those pieces to mold which, given enough, could harm your horses. Then , as often as the manufacturer recommends, in a manner in which they recommend as well, I'd clean and flush your whole system. So to answer your question, your situation is one of the few that I think warrants an auto feeder in a horse situation. Brands that I think highly of as far as quality, service, lasting ability and performance are priefert, powder river and classic equine. Cattle people are notoriously hard on their equipment just because the animals are so sizely. They'd be perfect people to poll on the performance of feeders. I'll see what I can find out for you too from some of my cattle contacts. Best of luck and thanks for the continued contact and makes answering questions much easier! Warm Regards, Samantha Simons ,