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How to get comfortable around horses?

21 10:01:00

  Thanks for reading this. My problem is...I have never been around horses. My husband just bought us horses with the expectation that I just jump on and ride with him and his son. At times, I am comfortable stroking the horses, but generally, I AM INTIMEDATED BY THEM. Got to have a fence between us.
  How do I get comfortable enough with them to learn to ride?

Hello Annette!
            Well first off I would suggest finding a near by stable who offers riding lessons. Or you could go to your local tackshop they usually will have a bulitan board that will have names and numbers of horse trainers who will come to your house for lessons. Having a professional there to guide you and teach you right from wrong when handling the horse will help you alot. The trainer will be able to help you feel more comftorbal and understand what to expect from the horse. Another suggestion would be to spend as much time in the barn as you can or as you feel comftorbal. Feed the horses there dinner or breakfast to help you get to know them then when your ok with not having a stall door between you and the horse begin to groom them and work your way up to walking them and riding them. Just take your time and stay calm. Horses can sense fear and this will make them nervous. Horses are flight heard animals and you take the role as the alpha horse when you are handeling them. In the wild the alpha horse will let them know when to flee from danger and when you act nervous around them they can sense this and get ready for you to give them the sign to run so the best thing to remember is to stay calm.