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Lame horse, know its in the hoof

21 9:41:52

QUESTION: Ok. I have a 17.2hh non-raced thorougbred. He just turned 6 yrs old. I had him shipping from California to West Virginia. He had not had shoes on for abou 3 yrs but we put fronts on to ship him cross country. When he got home he lost his front left. It was put back on and two days later he lost it again. Except it did not come all the way off. It was a shoe with clips and it only came off half way. The clip went into his sole about a 1/4 inch from the bar. Of course it abcessed. The abcess took about 2 weeks to drain and about 3 weeks in he was sound. He started going out and I rode him 3 times and he was lame again. It bruised. So he has been on stall rest for 3 weeks again and I have been putting iodine on it. Now my farrier wants x-rays because he is not getting more sound and he thinks his bar may be broke or bruised!!! He is not dead lame but he is head bobbing. Would a bruised or broke bar prevent competition?

ANSWER: You put shoes on a horse that has never had them before shipping so the ride will be more uncomfortable than it already is.  Not the horse gets to his new home and is lame, in pain and been locked up since you own him and now possible has severe foot damage because of your poor decision.


I am glad I am not your horse and hope you sell this horse to someone who cares about him.  :(

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: WOW you are extremely rude to know so little information. The horse had shoes put on him BEFORE i purchased him according to his previous owner! That was not up to me. It was also required per the shipper. We also thought it would be best to keep shoes on him since he will be eventing and showing ALOT. My only concern is NOT show. I know he will be ok for things other than competition so yes my only question on here was about competition! Geez. I care about this horse more than life itself. I do care about him and would never sell him. And if you read thoroughly, he has had shoes on before just not recently.

Sorry if I come off rude, I see and hear far too many stories about shows, winning awards and things that only do harm to horses.  I ask several questions at the top of where you write me a question.  Like age, history of horse, your exp, etc.  People that do not provide that make me guess and I cannot help a horse with little of half information.  I do this to try and help horses.  You said the horse had not had shoes for three years.  Putting shoes on right before shipping is either from lack of knowledge or not caring, either reason makes the horse pay for it.  Had you asked what is the best way to help my horse recover from a broke bar or bruise and provided the history info, I would not had come off so direct.  If you love this horse, then listed to your horse, he will tell you when he is ready to compete and when he is not in pain, don't listen to me or anyone else if they tell you your horse is OK and you see he is in pain, walking off or favoring a leg.  

I don't know history of horse, but if he had not had shoes for 3 years, I think it is not good for the horse to shoe before shipping.  Shoes and nails traumatize the foot, it makes jarring and bumps more severe, it takes away natural flexing of the hoof, so rude or not I would not do it, not recommend it and believe it does not help the horse.  And your situation proves my point.  Shoes come off, nails stay in, clips puncture the sole, nails bend and puncture live tissue.  All of this happens to horses that have no choices and because people make poor choices that the horse has to suffer for.  Since you did not provide your age or expeience, your questions sounded like it was coming from a teenager who was more concerned about competition than the horse.

Has you said, with so little information I have to guess and come to conclusions to try and help the horse.  If I am wrong, then ignore and don't sweat it.  It I am right and maybe hit the nail on the head, you will ignore it anyway, but maybe once and a while, I get it close to right and the horse benefits.

In your case, with limited information, I say remove the stupid shoes, let the hoof heal and grow for six months and only do lite riding on soft ground so the horse can completely heal.  Shows and competitions will be around for many years, pushing this horse too fast keep doing damage to the hoof, prevents healing, and causes the horse pain.
