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my horse

21 9:30:55

Hi, I have a 26 year old mare whom I bought at an auction. Lately (in the past couple of months) she has lost an insane amount of weight. Right now she looks like a walking skeleton. I feed her constantly each day, and she eats more (and weighs less) than any of my other horses. I haver her on a special weight gaining feed which I make sure to feed her daily, and I worm her as much as I should. Her wounds aren't healing, and she has been losing hair in clumps. Her haunches and back are nearly bald. I have had several vets do blood work on her and nothing turned up. I know if it gets any worse I will have to put her down but I really don't want to if it can be fixed. Please help!
Ziva D.

hope this note finds you well.
As to your Mare. Although many horses remain useful long past 26 years this is still an Equine Senior Citizen. I suspect your Vets have missed something or possibly there are few markers to help them identify exact causes. You never mentioned her water consumption or stool quality. This much weight loss so quick is unusual in a horse still eating and drinking enough. I am not a Vet but I would suspect Cancer, advanced stages, possibly in major organs or just about anywhere inside her. I have had an older Mare die from Cancer and she tried to eat and drink even when she could no longer get up on her own. It could be any number of other things but, I would look for Cancer. I am so sorry I could not be of more help and I wish you great luck with her. I'll be thinking of you and I will make a wish for both of you on the first star tonight.
Contact me anytime if I can be of ANY service or help.
Take care Ziva

Bill Gibson