Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > superstitions?


21 9:49:34

During my research for an English project (an ethnography on trainers of trotters), I came across a reference to superstitions about racing red horses with white socks. I was wondering if you could tell me the specifics?
Any help would be appreciated. Also if you know of any other interesting tid-bits of information I could include in my report that I might not find in main-stream information sources, I would be extremely grateful.

Hi Heather.
  Sorry for the late response---I was hospitalized unexpectedly on the 7th.
  There is no superstituion that I know of against horses with white socks. There are blaring biases against chestnuts and horses with white feet though. There used to be an old rhyme that went something to the effect of:
         One white foot---inspect 'em
         Two white feet--- reject 'em
         Three white feet---chop 'em up and feed 'em to the crows.

     There are several "old wives' tales" that I've heard and pretty much believe in. One is that it's good luck to have a three color cat in the barn, and you never move a stud once he starts breeding mares. (He should stay at the same farm.)
Anne Stepien