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malnurished horse and growth?

21 9:31:29

About a year ago i bought a 4 yr old Australian Stock Horse. She had been malnurished for most of her life and as a result had not grown properly. She looked like she was about 2 years old. Since i have had her she has reached 14.3hh. I am not worried about her height but i am worried about whether she will fill out. She now looks like she is at least three years old. She is a beautiful mare with a great mind, very smart. I am so scared that her past malnurishment might affect whether she fills out in the body. She has Warrenbri Romeo and Nabinabah Gunner bloodlines. She is a good weight and is mainly feed grassy hay, lucern chaff and bran. She also gets mineral and vitamin suppliments. Her hooves are very small although she is extremelly shorfooted.

Thank you for the good question.
This mare is now 5 yrs old. In the past year she has gained both in height and body*, with your feeding/exercise program. Seems to me despite her rocky start in life she has remained basically healthy. She is utilizing feed, gaining bone, mass. Will she ever be as big as she could have? Possible, but unlikely. It will cost her something. Not real clear on 'fill out'?  If you mean will she add muscle mass, yes she should, it will take longer, 2/3 yrs sometimes to come back from the 'brink', but if you are looking for more spring to her ribs, wider shoulders, deeper heart skeletal change etc. I think she is what she is. Not familiar with her breeding but looking at her family relations at different ages can often tell you a lot. You seem to know her pedigree and it's importance so some research there could reveal a lot. The feet, small feet can be trouble but hoof conformation, size to weight, how they hit, where she bears her own weight and of course how straight the whole pkg. is from shoulder down will tell whether she stays sound later in life.
Sounds to me that this could be a real lucky Filly, she did find You and it sounds to me like she's doing fine.
Best of luck in all Gemma.
