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wont let me bridle

21 9:40:53

I'm 17 and just got a 6 year old mare. I've been riding for 6 years but I've never had my own horse. She's really good when I ride her, but she won't let me bridle her. When I try to, she flips out and starts backing up, throwing her head up and pins her ears. A couple times she tried to bite me. It takes me 15 minutes just to get it on myself, and sometimes I have to get someone else to help. What should I do?

Hello Jenny,

Was she this way when you bought her?  What did the previous owner say about this bad habit? Did she even tell you about it? If she did not have this habit before, did she get this way after you got her?  If this is the case, you will need to have an experienced instructor show you how to put the bridle on.  Perhaps the bit is too low and she is getting her tongue over it.  Perhaps it is too high and it is painful. Are you hurting her ears when you slip it over them?

First check out all these possibilities.  If there is no problem with the bridle and how you are putting it on her...if this is an old will still need an experienced person with you to show you how to do it.  I would put her in a stall so she can't back up.  Take the bridle apart into all its pieces and rebuild the bridle on her head, just as you would rebuild it after cleaning it, petting her and soothing her all the while.  This way, the bit is one of the final parts that goes on.  The reins go on last. You can even offer her a few tidbits while you are doing this to help her relax.

This method worked perfectly for me with "Johnny", who pulled the same tricks. He even ran backwards when I tried to mount.  I had to build the bridle on his head for several weeks before he simply gave in.