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Hes holding his head down to low.

21 9:44:55

For the last few days my  horse has been really acting up. The main problem i
am having is that he tends to put his head really far underneath himself when
i ask him to canter. He goes far enough down that he is able to have a better
ability to buck me off (try to anyway).  My question is, how do i stop him from
doing this? It has just been a battle for the last few days but i do win in the
end i just dont always get the canter i am looking for. Can you help me???

hi cadi,
well you can try an over check on him. this is usually used on carting horses but can also be used on riding horses. an over check is a line that connects from the bit up the bridle and down the horses neck. it then connect to the saddle. when the horse tries to lower his head the strap stops him.Check your tack for problems. A stick or object under the saddle pad can irritate your horse and cause him to buck, as can a bit that is pinching his mouth.
Dig further into the matter if you can not see an immediate reason why your horse is bucking. Health problems can cause a horse to buck. Have a veterinarian check him out, including his teeth. when he tries to buck, half halt him ( pull on one rein quickly) and kick him forward. in a stern voice say quick. do not say no because this sounds similar to whoa and he will put the breaks on. good luck
amanda groff