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Abused Horse

21 9:19:44

I just recently adopted an Arabian that was severely neglected, he along with his two other "friends" were rescued and given a wonderful place to regain themselves and renew trust in people. Well my horse who I am completely mad about is having separation anxiety whenever he cannot see the other horses he has bonded so deeply with, my question is: how do I get him to trust me and not need to see or hear his "friends", he was upset and scared one day and even stuck lightly at me, and was rude and disrespectful and tried to nudge me out of his way so he could see these other horses I corrected him then he struck and I kicked him back just as lightly. I know he's very dependent on them but he needs to know that he has me now, as they have their own people too.


Well, you've certainly taken on a project here.  This is a bond that is going to be tough to work with and will take a lot of time and patience.  First off, get yourself a bottle of Bach's Rescue Remedy.  It's a homeopathic remedy and is very effective because you are, essentially, weaning this horse once again.  Put a full dropper of it in his drinking water.  Look into some herbal mixes that you can add to his feed.  This is to help take the edge off.  

Then, I would take him into a round pen and start some work with him on the respect issues.  If he can't see his buddies in there so much the better.  He'll have to concentrate on you, eventually.  The first session is going to take a while.  If you are not familiar with round pen work there are lots of good books and videos out there.  I like like the videos because you can watch the horse as well as the person working the horse.  This will have to be repeated, everyday if at all possible, until you have established an understanding with him.  

You may have to keep him on the herbs for a while once you start them.  Herbs can take a while to build in the horse's system so may take up to a week to really evaluate the results.  The Rescue Remedy (available at health food stores and over the internet) is normally administered by putting a dropperful on your hand and rubbing it on the horse's gums and takes about 15 min. to take effect but if at all possible I would administer it before going to the round pen for as long as you feel you need it.  A couple of weeks will probably suffice.  

Treats work well as rewards.  You can buy a lot of cooperation with bribery so keep that in mind.  Makes you associated with good things!  Be sure to set limits, though.  My guys all get a treat in greeting in the morning when I go out to feed, and they can beg, politely, but know that when I say "no" that's it.  And when training they have to earn them.  My guys all look forward to getting the opportunity to earn more goodies by doing what I ask.  This also helps establish a bond.

I've given you the route I would take with a horse like this.  Some take longer than others to come around but they all do in the end.  Arabs are generally friendly horses so once you break through to him that you're an OK person he'll come around.  

Good luck.  Let me know how things go for you.
