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Pipe Corral Size

21 9:19:34

I'm going to be buying  3-4 horses for my kids and had a question regarding the pipe corral size. Is a 12x24 ft pipe corral sufficient or should it be a 24x24 ft corral? Would 2 horses fit in the 24x24 or should I expanded it for more horses? Also, should these be entirely covered or just half way covered? I live in Nor. California and experience a fair share of rain during the winter and spring.


Hello Brandon,

You will need at least a 24x24 for each one of the horses. Each one should be half covered.
Also, please get some expert advice and training for your children as riders and horse managers, and for yourself.  You will need to make sure the ground slopes away from the overhang because if they stand in water or mud for any length of time their feet are affected and then you have no horse.

Horses are complex creatures and horse management and riding are not the easiest things to do. You do sound like you are just getting into the horse world, and I hope that you will seek some advice from a riding school or your vet.

Not all horses get along with each other. They are like people.  So if you crowd them into one pen you run the risk of many vet bills in kicks, bites, etc.

Please find someone to help you on site.

Happy riding,