Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > Bosal/Hackamore


21 9:53:50

Hi there, I wrote you yesterday regarding training my horse to be road safe.

When I bought him he was trained on a bit but absolutely hated it, I bought him an indian bosal and he responds really well to it, but then again I haven't had him bolt on me or have to stop him really quickly (as I might have to on the road).  I was just wondering if you would recommend me using a bosal or a bit when I ride him on the road.  Do you think I would have more control with the bit apposed to the bosal?



Practice getting good brakes on him if he doesn't already have them.  Voice, seat and hands.  What you ride him in really doesn't matter.  If a horse is going to bolt they'll run through a bit just as quickly as anything else.  If he's responsive and happy in it why use something that he doesn't like?  You want this to be a positive experience, don't use something he hates.  Actually, I have found I prefer a bitless bridle above a bosal or hackamore.  I have started horses in training with bosals to get them to follow their noses but appreciate the finess I get with the bitless bridle as far as communication with the reins.  I'm and endurance rider and never ride with a bit.  I want my horses to eat and drink freely on the trail and the bit gets in the way.  I even drive my mare in a hackamore; found the bitless bridle was too sensitive to use with the long lines for driving.  

I would do the ring work as prep first so you and he work out how he's going to react in a scary, intimidating situation in the safety of the ring.  Make sure you have a bond built with him like this before you ask him to face the road.  He's got to trust and believe in you.  
