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Horse leg problem

21 10:08:46

Hey there!  I found you on allexperts.  I have a question I wanted to ask, just to see if you have ever saw it. My seven year old mare, who has foaled twice, is having a really hard time picking up her back left leg.  She has no vices when it comes to her hooves, she is really great.  I am worried about her leg because when i go to pick it up, it will not bend.  When it finally bends, it is like a gun, it snaps really quick.  She doesn't appear lame, but she seems to pivot on that foot, and doesn't seem to want bend it as much. I am a high school student, thus I ride some weekends and 1-3 times a week.  My horses all receive regular visits by the farrier.  What ya think?  I appreciate it,

Justin Jornigan
Marion, NC

Hi Justin,

I HAVE seen this twice before. In one case, it was simply the mare's stubbornness. When she finally allowed the leg to bend, it would jerk and snap.

The second case, was a mare who was worked regularly and developed liquid in her joints. The liquid built up and would not allow her leg to bend easily. After a few days rest, she was normal again.

When you exercise, you build up lactic acid, which causes your muscles and joints to ache and almost...sieze up. I believe that this was the case for the second mare mentioned.

Maybe worth looking into for you? :) Good Luck.
