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21 9:47:08

In the winter only, my horse's back legs click when i walk him. Only at a walk thow...he is fine at the trot and canter. I don't know why:S
I don't know if it's coming from the fetlock, or the hock...etc...
It's just this really wierd clicking sound everytime he takes a step with his back legs..:S
Do u have any idea of what this could be?


Jamie Lynn,

I can think of a couple of reasons for this.  He could be developing arthritis in one of the joints in his hind legs or he could have ligaments in his stifles that are slipping although this is not what I think is the problem.  Most likely it is arthritis.  I would suggest you have a vet out, get him checked and the joint(s) in question should be X-rayed.  You don't say how old the horse is or what his prior usage has been all of which factor into this problem.  

Since he's not evincing signs of pain or loss of motion in the joints then it's probably in it's early stages.  I would get him on a glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate/MSM supplement.  Your vet can suggest some I'm sure.  They are simply feed additives, either powder or liquid, that you dump in with the feed.  They are something that if started early, before serious problems occur, help keep the horses comfortable and in good shape well into their senior years.  Don't think you have to buy something the vet sells, it will cost you a fortune.  Find out what the vet is recommending, look at the ingredients and strength and suggested dosage.  Then go shopping either on-line or in a catalog for similar items.  You will do much better on price because it's something you need to start and simply keep up for the rest of the horse's life.  

This is that happens as horses age, just like people.  If the feed supplement is not enough, especially as the horse ages, then periodic treatments with injectible solutions which are also glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate but in a different form.  Legend and Adequan are 2 that come to mind.  Legend is administered in a series of shots with the series being repeated as necessary intravenously.  Adequan is administered IM (in the muscle).  But not all horses need this additional support.  Some age with few problems at all.  A lot depends upon what type of usage the horse had, especially when young.  Hard usage can cause many problems later in life.  I have a number of geriatric clients, one in particular who was an eventer, who has such severe arthritis in his shoulders that he has a hard time lifting his front legs.  Not much of anything has really helped him.  He's boarded at a barn where the owner's husband is a vet who specializes in geriatric horses.  They've tried just about everything.  I give him a complete body massage once a month to keep him comfortable.  

If you catch problems early and start peventative/supportive therapy now chances are the horse will never need more than the basics.  So call the vet and ask him/her to come out and do an exam of the horse.  Explain your observations so they know what your concerns are.  Ask questions as they examine the horse.  Learn as much as you can about his current condition.  And above all, love him.  He can be your friend for a long time with good care.
