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heels down!

21 10:00:32

Dear Shelley,
I am a beginner rider. I also love to canter. It is such a glorious feeling! My trouble is, I cannot seem to put my weight in my feet and put my heels down. Sometimes they even come out of the stirrups. I am almost better at keeping my heels down with no stirrups at all. I am getting frustrated and want to get this right 100% of the time. Any suggestions?

Dear Colleen:
Riding without stirrups is an excellent way to develop a good lower leg position - but you need to begin at the trot. As you progress toward the canter without stirrups, remember that your goal is not simply to keep your heels down, but to keep your ear, elbow, hip and heel in alignment. A string dropped from your earlobe should come to rest against your ankle bone.
Check to ensure that your stirrup leathers are short enough - when you take your foot out of your irons, and relax your leg, the tread of your iron should hit your ankle bone - go two holes shorter if you're doing fences.
Also, try to work on develping a good "muscle memory" for what it feels like to have your lower leg in the correct position. This can be achieved in a variety of ways, from working with a partner on the ground who can provide you with feedback on your leg position, using mirrors and even standing with the ball of your foot on a step and stretching your heels downward.
You will not achieve success overnight - so keep at it - Rome wasn't built in a day! Since you are wise to regognize that you are still beginning as a rider - it might be wise to do your cantering in a contained area until you develop a better leg. Best wishes, hope this is of some assistance.
S. Evans