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hard to catch horses

21 10:07:59

Hi~ Me and my sister recently bought our very first riding horse.  She is a very pretty 13 yr old QH cross mare, 15 hh, ex rodeo horse from missouri (we live in wisconsin).  She is an awesome horse for us, since we are learning how to ride now.  She is hard to catch, and i was wondering if you had any suggestions.  She is rotated between 2 2 acre pastures, with no small catch pen.  We believe she used to come to a whistle, as she becomes very excited when someone whistles, and she will come trotting over when you shake her grain bucket for supper, but otherwise she goes in the opposite direction.
Also, do you have any suggestions for us about mounting because she will move to the side when we mount, even if we are carefull not to kick her. Thanks~

Hi Christy;

At this point, there's no reason why you can't use food as a motivator.  Instead of grain though use carrots or apples or those premade horse treats.

Since she is just new to you and your sister, it'll take a little bit of time, but once she gets to know you two better she'll come without the aid of food.

As for mounting, you might start by mounting from a mounting block as it may hurt her back and withers when mounting from the ground.  If you are already using a block then the only way to fix this issue is with time and patience.  Each time she moves away, stop the mounting process, reposition her, ask her to stand and try again.  Depending on how long she's been in the habit of moving, will determine how long it takes to break her of the habit.

Best wishes and enjoy your first horse, she sounds like a winner!


Lana Reinhardt