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Showing Mini Halter Horses

21 9:52:26

My mom bought a pregnant mini mare last fall who had a beautiful pinto colt this spring.  He is very typey, and his sire is a halter champion and has been shown all over the country.  I have mostly shown Arabian horses, and this is my first mini.  I want to show him in halter, but have never had a horse who shows interest in stretching and being alert in halter classes.  I am running into a similar problem with this colt, and he is only 2 months old (halter broke).  I would like information on how to "motivate" a horse to SHOW at halter and not just stand there and look bored.  As you know its hard to offer treats or anything to such a young foal, he does not seem to be interested in anything!  Please help!

Dear Katie,
I have consulted with a friend of mine who is a carded mini judge and her advice is to simply wait. Certainly halter break him, lead him, teach him manners but she advises that this baby is simply too young to be able to focus on foot position, stretching or anything else.
You will also probably discover that most halter horses do not set up nearly as well for their day-to day handlers as they do for a "stranger."
Give it three months and then start up the "real work" for very short sessions.
Best wishes,
S. Evans