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I have a daughter called Rana...

21 10:02:26

I have a daughter called Rana and a son called Khaled. Rana is 10 years old and Khaled is 6 and half years old. We are Egyptians living in Cairo. I want to ask few questions regarding horse riding. They have been learning riding for 3 years now.Iwant to make them champions in the least possible time in (jumping). Please guide in what to do to move on the right way towards this aim.


I must admit I was surprised by your question.  It's a little different than I usually get.  As far as making champion riders of your children, that's another story.  

First, they have to have talent and natural ability and desire.  I've seen people who have ridden for years, thousands of miles and spent thousands of dollars on lessons and still can't ride.  If they have the natural ability you are doing the right thing by having them take lessons.  They need to ride as much in between the lessons as they can to work on what they learned in the lessons. Find a good trainer for them to work on polishing their skills and matching them up with a suitable horse for competing.  If this is what they truly want to do then it will be expensive.  Top-notch trainers are expensive and good horses are too.  Show jumping is a tough discipline to excel in.  I cannot give you a quick way to do this.  It all depends upon the children themselves and how great their desire is to excell at this sport.  Everyone learns at a different rate.  A good trainer will be able to assess where your children's strengths and weaknesses are and what it's going to take to get them to a championship level.