Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > problem fly spraying horse

problem fly spraying horse

21 9:45:05

QUESTION: I have a rescue 5 yr. old mare with colt(5weeks old). She has over come a lot of her abuse but refuses to stand for fly spray.She accepts a fly mask and I`ve even tried putting the spray on with a cloth but she still refuses to stand still. Any suggestions will surely help.

ANSWER: tie the horse short with a strong halter and rope, do a little at a time, if she lets you brush her, just wrap a rag about the brush and get her used to rag, then go out of sight and put spray on, don't go for head, apply to back and butt and then slowly work your way to head.  If he resist, DONT stop, just continue moving backwards to an area she is ok with.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your answer and I live in Kittanning, PA.(A little too far) The mare has never been tied, as far as I know and I`m still working on her abuse problems. I will try the rag on the brush and then try spraying it. She seems to dislike the smell of the spray.
Thanks again,

If it is the smell, try spraying water, not on her face and let her get used to spray without smell.  Same with rag, just rub with a wet rag,  She has to learn that even if you does not like something, she has to let you do things and that you will not hurt her.  The only way to show her that is to keep doing things even if she dislikes them and stop as soon as she relaxes or stops resisting.  Stopping is the key, what ever she is doing when you stop is what she thinks the right answer is, so don't stop when she is rearing, backing or fighting or she will learn that is the right answer.