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Tracking my horse

21 9:14:46

The freeze brand
The freeze brand  
QUESTION: I recently just adopted a standardbred he has a freezebrand on the right side of his neck, and looks like it says 4DC3b. I can't find anything on it, but would love to! His name is Wilson. He paces and I'm currently teaching him how to jump and canter. Thanks for any help!

ANSWER: Hello Debbie,

I have checked the standardbred registry and find that the freezebrand on your horse does not match the patterns of Standardbreds.  Their patters are: 1st is a letter, 2nd is a letter, last 3 are numbers, like:

AB222.  I will research further to see if it is another brand...Perhaps saddlebred.

Do you have papers?

p.s. he is a lovely mover.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the help! He really doesn't look like a saddlebred, he's bigger then them, I would say he's definetly a standardbred... I don't have papers, I was thinking maybe it was the farm he was at that did the freezebrand. I was told he never has raced before(which didn't make sense since he had the brand), and he's 7 or 8 (dentist says 7).

Hi Debbie,

From my small amount of experience with brands, I don't think this is a private farm brand. They usually have other than numbers and letters, mayby diagrams or small objects like hammers or rockers.. Numbers and letters usually are official registries.  I would check all the others...AQHA, Cleveland Bay... whatever. He is a handsome horse and a very good mover.

You know it really does not matter what breed he is. If he does the job, that is all you need. Love him, train him well. Goooooo Wilson,