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Tennessee Walking Horse

21 9:36:27


I am looking to purchase a horse in the next year, and I am trying to decide which breed to choose.

I am an experienced rider and compete actively in endurance, as well as some gymkhana and barrel racing on the side. I am 5'9 and about 150lbs, so I need a horse that can carry some weight.

I have been looking into Tennessee Walkers, as I love a smooth gait, and I like that they are big and powerful. However, I also like a horse that can turn on the speed. Everything I've read up on the horse rages about their endurance and ultra-smooth running walk, and implies that they are slower horses.

Can a Walker be good at sprinting as well? If not, do you have a different horse breed that you would recommend?



For one, I wouldn't consider you a "big" person for a rider.  There are a lot of us in endurance that are bigger than you.  But, you are 5'9" so you've probably got long legs and will do better with a horse that has a big barrel.  Easier for you to ride and get a leg on the horse.

I have a friend in MD who has been riding a TWH in endurance for a number of years successfully.  Truman, down in FL, also rides TWH's.  If I was you I'd look for a smallish TWH.  If you want to do barrels with the horse you want one that can be fairly nimble and a big horse won't do as well.  As far as I've seen, TWH's can turn on the speed when needed.  I wouldn't put them on the racetrack against a TB in a race but they can beat Arabs at a full gallop.  

You are just going to have to look around and find a horse suitable for what you want to do.  You could also look at a gaited cross if you hear of any.  More important will be the fit for you with the horse - both physically and mentally.  Any gaited breed would probably work for you but it depends upon what is available in your area.  
