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21 10:00:42

When were the first horses used to farm? It's not a homework question- it's just something I've been trying to figure out because one site had random facts and said the first horses were used to farm in the 1860's and that just seems a little too late. Is that in the US?

Dear Jill:
this is certainly somewhat out of my realm -your best resource would be to do an internet search employing "history of horse in agriculture."
Certainly the 1800's is an absurd date by any standard - horses were being used in agricutlure even in North America post contact long before the 1800's.
While Oxen were (and in many places in the world, still are) considered superior for farming applications  I suppose you have to first be more specific about what constitutes farming. Horses have been used as pack animals as early as Homo Sapien neanderthalensis. For pulling - easily in early Mesopotamia, riding - the nomadic peoples of Siberia.
Hope this is of some help.
S. Evans