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horse skin condition

21 9:52:49

Our arabian horse has a skin condition consisting of spots on just the right side of her body. She has had them for several days and last night the hair is coming out of those areas where the spots were. They do not look red,oozy or irritated. Only like bumps in her skin looking like a rash and now she has several small circles of hair missing where some of the spots were. What is it and what can we do? We bathed her last night and have been faithful to fy spray her.

This condition is most likely rainrot, which is a fungal condtion, though it is hard to diagnose with out acually seeing it.
To treat it wash it daily with a anti fungal shampoo such as micro tec and dry really well. It might help to put a sterio based cream such as a scrqatches formula to help it heal.

I hope that this helps...