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continuous noise

21 9:45:28

Our neighbours play a radio very loud 24/7 their reason being to get their show horses used to the noise. My horse is turned out close enough to hear it all the time, not to mention us.  I read that this can lead to developing ulcers.  What are your thoughts ?  My feeling is that it must be stressful for an animal to have no " quiet time".


Your neighbours are idiots!  Good Lord!  You are caught in a tough spot.  I don't know how much you've talked to the clods about this assault on your senses but it they are that inconsiderate of you how many other ways do they subtly torture their horses.  Show people.  Another reason I can't stand them!  Anyway, if they simply refuse to cut it off at least after 11 pm. until 6 am.  then you have to consider other options.

If you can resign yourself to becoming, in all likelihood, their worst enemies then I would say you need to contact the authorities about noise codes.  Are you the only ones affected by this place?  If not, then maybe talk to the others and see how they feel.  Maybe they will lodge complaints too.  I'm sure there are local noise laws, at least I've not run across one, but there has always been something.  

Yeah, it could be disturbing to your horses but they learn to "tune" it out so that it becomes background noise to them.  It can be done.  I grew up in the final approach area of the busiest runway at Cleveland Hopkins Airport.  But we got used to it.  Slept right through the jets coming in.  Same thing when I lived a couple of blocks from 3 rail lines that was use by mainly freight trains.  But this is something which you do have some control over the noise pollution you have to accept.  But unless they have altered their eating habits or are exhibiting signs of quiet stress by changes in behavior, they're probably OK.

I would do some checking into the local laws on this one.  I know this sounds complicated but a lot of it could boil down to political connections.  That happens a lot here in NJ.  Anyhow, the alternative is to simply do nothing and learn to live with the abuse.  It's up to you.  Me,  I simply would not accept such cloddish behavior.  I would probably make a formal complaint to them via certified mail, requesting quiet between such and such hours per and cite the code(s) that give you legal right to that quiet.  Show people can be extremely difficult to deal with so good luck with this mess.

Sorry I ranted a bit there but I hear of stuff like this all too often.  I would suspect their horses have ulcers.  Like I said, unless you are noting signs of stress.  Sounds like your horses may be coping/adapting better than you are.  I feel badly for you.

I wish I could offer more advice but the best I can say is do what you have to do get it stopped.  
