Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > Longing


21 10:00:32


Hi there, I recently bought a 4 year old Draft/thoroughbred.  He wasn't handled much by his owners and they sent him to a horse whisperer, who my opinion barely taught him anything.  I have been working with him and his walk trot and canter is coming along slowly, but when I'm in the middle of longing him he just stops dead.  Doesn't want to move.  I give him a shove with the end of the longe whip but he still doesn't want to move.  So I will walk him by his halter around in a circle until he starts walking on his won again.  Is he just lazy?  or does he scare himself and thats what makes him stop?



It is hard to say why your gelding is doing this without knowing more about his background and previous owner.  I may not be able to help much, but he may be getting bored with the longing routine!  I would try something new, like changing your surroundings, or maybe doing other groundwork activities without the repetition of longing walk, trot, canter each way.  Try playing some parelli natural horsemanship games with him, this will keep his mind busy, make him a happier horse, and get him thinking about lots of different things.  Plus it will give the 2 of you plenty of Saavy bonding time, which it sounds like he needs if he wasn't handled much previously.

I hope this helps, please let me know if I can answer or help with any thing else.