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Buying a horse/pastures

21 9:41:48


I'm looking into buying a 7 year old Paint horse. I have ridden her and done a basic exam (checking her legs ect.) she is very sound and healthy as far as I can tell.  The only thing is she hasn't had any vaccines at all (the stable owner says she's trying to be as natural as possible). So I think i'm going to get a vet to check her out (before I buy her) and if all is well I want her to get a few vaccines. Are there any that are very important? I assume Rabies and Tetnis are a must. She wont be around many other horses so equine influenza won't be a huge issue.

One last question: Ragwort is very poisonous to horses so I've looked on Google under images for pictures of it. All the pictures I found had yellow flowers. As I was checking over my fields I found a plant that looks EXACTLY like Ragwort but it has white flowers. Is there such a thing as White Ragwort?  If so what's the best way to get rid of it?

Your help is appreciated!!

hi jackie,
Rhinopneumonitis , west nile, tetanus, rabies,Potomac horse fever, and strangles are all important. one caution is when you give the vaccine for strangles be awar that the horse may get the strangles disease. this can be a big pain in the butt and the horse must be away from the others. consult you vet if you should vaccinate him for this or not. as far as the plant goes. ragwort only has yellowe flowers but to be on the safe side you should get rid of the plant. The only way to get rid of Ragwort is to dig it up, making sure that you get as much of the root as possible. When digging it up you should make sure that you wear gloves. The best time to dig up Ragwort is before the plant has finished flowering and it will be easier to remove the whole plant if the ground is wet or if the plant is still immature. good luck and have fun with your horse!
amanda groff