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Mustang -New owner

21 9:41:50

Hi, I just got a mustang, she is about five years old. I have ridden a good bit , but had a good ridding horse. She is in a pasture with a gelden, quarter horse. The two of them together is like they are sweetheart. The two have just been in the same pasture for one week. My question is how can you tell if she is in heat. Or , I guess it is just me. She even tried to bit me today. Both horse acted up today. I am 58 years old and love to ride and would love for her to love me also.The first day I saw her, we saddle her , I rode her and had no problems. I can still ride her but with the gelden she is a handfull. Would riding her with the other horse around , be a problem . I have not gotten on her since I got her. Just got the saddle today. I will be on her tomorrow, but to old to brake any bones if you know what I mean.  How do I tell if she is in heat. She is a sweet thing , but want it to be fun for her and myself. Thanks for any help I can get.

When she is in heat, she may the runny poop, or you may see black runs down her legs, she will squirt and raise her tail, she may back up to the gelding, she may squeal and stomp her foot to tell the gelding to leave her alone, the gelding will be up her butt most of the time sniffing and bugging her, you may see your gelding holding his head high and lifting his upper lip, he is opening his smelling glands and trying to gather as much scent as he can, any or all of these will let you know.

If she tried to bite you, she is telling you she thinks she is higher than you and was trying to push you and get you to yield to her pressure.  You have to push back and make her move from your pressure.

From your email I don't think you understand horses as well as you should.  I really suggest that you read my site and it will help you understand horses, how they think and how they talk.  Then after you do that, write me back and let me know what your plan is and I will discuss it with you.  I would NOT get on this mare yet, she may hurt you, not being mean, just being a horse, so don't set her up for failure.

Read my site that will make better sense.
