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Arabian Rodeo Circuit

21 9:31:47

Hi, I have an Arabian & would love to show him in rodeos. Is there such a thing as Arabian Rodeos?
I live in Northern Indiana.
Thank You.

Dear Stefanie,
I hate to say it, but you are really barking up the wrong tree with me on this one. A "rodeo" is most definitely NOT a horse show (*most humane societies are working hard to have them banned). Recognized Arabian shows do include working western events such as cutting, reining, stock seat and now cattle penning (sorting). If it's barrels that you are interested in- no, AHA does not currently offer barrels as a recognized class. I am not sure what you would have wanted to do with your horse other than these events at a rodeo.
Sorry I cannot be more supportive of you in this venture.
S. Evans