Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > Lymphnode


21 9:45:03

My horse has an inflammed lymph gland near her jaw line and I was wondering if you had any guesses about what it could be so I could do some research because my vet didn't give me any ideas about what it might be.

hi sarah,
one reason could be she is getting strangles. this is like the chicken pox to horses in a way. sooner or later they are going to get it. with tularemie the nature of an illness that occurs with tularemia reflects the route of transmission as well as the virulence of the infecting strain. Almost all cases have a rapid onset of fever and lymphadenopathy (inflamed lymph nodes). Bacteremia (bacteria in the blood), should it develop, may last for two weeks if untreated, and lesions may contain the organism for up to a month. the best thing to do is just keep your horse on  antibiotics and keep an eye on her. if it gets worse then call your vet out. always ask questions. the more you know about the problem the better. good luck
amanda groff