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Is this horse being neglected?

21 9:44:53

Hey Amanda. I have been observing some nearby horses and I became concerned about one of them. The horse is producing milk for a colt and she has a big belly and her ribs aren't showing, but her spine is sticking out abnormally as if she has not been fed enough. I'm worried about her health, but I don't want to make a report to someone unless I know for sure that she is being neglected. Do you think that this might be caused from neglect?

hi heather,
well i would have to see pictures to really now, a healthy horse will have a round back and round quarters, its ribs showing and sunken eyes.if the horses ribs are not showing but its spin is then it could have a bad case of worms, bloating, or hay belly. if the horses quarters are bonie and are sunken in with no muscle then yes the horse is neglected. if you could send pictures i would be able to tell you for sure if the horse is neglected. my e-mail is if you have the chance to send pictures.
amanda groff