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Saddle As!

21 9:53:23

I'm having a problem, with what I call, "saddle ass". I've been ridding on and off for a couple of years.  I just recently started riding on a weekly basis and am getting horrible blisters and bruises at the top of my butt, right at the tail bone.  I want to continue ridding but am not sure if it's a saddle issue or body structure problem.  It has gotten so bad, I've stopped ridding until I get it figured out.  I am open to any suggestions you may have.


You'er experiencing something that those of us who ride long distances are very familiar with.  I don't know what clothing you are riding in but that's probably the source of your problem.  Could be your underwear.  I generally wear 100% cotton.  No thongs or high cut leg.  Also, what kind of pants are you riding in?  If breeches look at the seat.  Make sure there are no seams right in the offending area.  Get some Body Glide.  It's a sort of cream/gel stuff that you smooth over areas where you are getting chafing, rubbing, blisters etc.  Sort of like teflon coating on a fry pan it puts a coating on your skin so stuff doesn't rub.  Part of the problem is you just aren't "toughened" up enough to the riding on a regular basis.  But adjusting clothing and using the Body Glide should fix this problem for you.  Trust me, as a woman rider there are myriad issues that we have to address that men never do.  
