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horses back leg pain

21 9:53:43

Tonight when I went to feed my appaloosa, I noticed that his right rear leg is causing him problems.  He is not putting weight on it and it seems to cause him pain when he tries to shift his weight.
I will call the vet first thing in the morning, but I am wondering if an infection in his sheath could cause leg pain.  His sheath area did seem swollen.

Dear Linda,
          It could be that the infection in his sheath may be cause by enlarged veins or a blocked blood vein. It is not uncommon, but I must tell you that you have to clean his "Area" With mild soap once a week. I know it sounds like a bad job but it must be done if you have a gelding or stallion. You must pull back the foreskin, and gently clean the area. But be warned some horses do not like it and may bite or kick. So take extra care to stay out of the way if he decides to get angry about it.