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weaning a 4 month and mom is pregrent again

21 9:52:24

I am a first time horse owner and i got a great deal on a pair she is 6 years and her colt is 4 months old and i found out that she is 97 day in her new baby that will arrive in March of 08. Do i need to start weaning him off from her now so she can build up for her new baby. or let her break him her-self. i keep them in different stalls at night and let them run free together during the day. please let me something

hi Alyssa,
no dont wean the colt until hes at least 5 months old. after that dont turn them out together. put them wear they cant see eachother and just let the mare go on with her pregnancy. she will have enough milk and nutrients stored for to upcomming baby. you could even wean the colt when hes 6 months old depending on how much hay he is eating. let me know what the new baby is i love foals!!
amanda groff